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Barthes, R. & Bernay, F. H. (1968). Seven Photo Models of "Mother Courage", Cambridge: The MIT Press.
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Camões, J. & Zekri, S. (2017). Introducing the theater of Portugal in 16th century with studying the properties of Black figure in the portuguese and traditional iranian theatre. Tehran: Namayesh (The Theater Specialized Magazine), Nº 219. pp. 76-83.
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Zekri, S. (2018). Participation in point of 2 – Arcadas, parte que reunie todos los informes: “The Parade of Apollo vis-à-vis of Dionysus”. Anabela, M. (Org), Teatro e Tribunal – Vida e Labirinto, Lisboa: CECC, UCP, Universidade Católica, pp.112- 116.
ISBN: 978-989-689-791-8
Zekri, S. (2018). Recycling Theatre Plant, Tehran: Namayesh (The Theater Specialized Magazine), Nº 224. pp. 49-55.
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