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Adapted & directed by Sabri Zekri
The play inspired by Moderato Cantabile, a short novel written by the French novelist Marguerite Duras. Rehearsing with four actors at the small indoor garage of the French Culture and Language Centre in tehran without any financial support. That was why the project developed from the need to find ways to visualize the text and its underlying meanings without applying any décor, lights and music. Limitations stimulated the exploration of literary symbols and finding ways to convert them into the visual-theatrical symboles. We started prepare voice and bodies through some basic corporal and vocal exercises. We also began to explore different ways to adjuste our movments and activities according to the space limits. There was no off stage area so all backstage activities were incorporated into the performance, and performers were doing all activities directly in front of the eyes of spectators. After the production of Moderato Cantabile the idea of writing the first version of Recycling Performance Factory statement arose up.
The plot is initially the banal daily routine of a rich woman taking her son to piano lessons, and conversing with a working class man in a cafeteria, drinking wine all the way, then reaches a scandal at a dinner party in chapter 7, followed by a dénouement in the final chapter.
Iran, 2010
Duration: 60 min.
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