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Written & directed by Sabri Zekri
Sarin Hamoudeh, woman political prisoner, has been on hunger strike for being refused visits from her husband and her nine year old son Fereydun . Gripped by mental turmoil and confusion, Sarin decides to write to her son about the legend of Zahhak, the king who harbours two snakes over his shoulders. However, Sarin is denied by Kaveh, the prison guard, access to pen and paper to write the letter and thus she decides instead to secretly write her story on a handkerchief using her eyeliner. Whilst writing, she imagines herself in the place of Faranak, mother of the legendary Fereydun in the history, and her words are therefore spoken on Faranak’s tongue. Kaveh taken by Sarin’s behavior, decides in the end to deliver the letter to her son.
The play applies the contemporary occidental theatre and traditional Persian storytelling.
Egypt, 2013
Duration: 60 min.
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